
Physics Forceps

Original price was: $ 100.Current price is: $ 69.

The Physics Forceps are a unique type of extraction system that provides:

GMX-100R – Upper Right – Extracts Teeth 2 to 5
GMX-100L – Upper Left – Extracts Teeth 12 to 15
GMX-100A – Upper Anterior – Extracts Teeth 6 to 11
GMX-200 – Lower Universal – Extracts Teeth 18 to 31

Availability: 75 in stock

Product ID: 9776

Physics Dental Forceps Kits

The Physics Forceps are a unique type of extraction system that provides:

GMX-100R – Upper Right – Extracts Teeth 2 to 5
GMX-100L – Upper Left – Extracts Teeth 12 to 15
GMX-100A – Upper Anterior – Extracts Teeth 6 to 11
GMX-200 – Lower Universal – Extracts Teeth 18 to 31

Predictable and efficient extractions in less than four minutes
Atraumatic extractions where you preserve the bone
Elimination of root tip fractures
No need for elevating or laying a flap
Very little operator movement (or strength) necessary
The design of the Physics Forceps allows for light but constant pressure to be applied to the tooth which leads release of the Sharpey’s fibers. Once the tooth releases, it can be removed simply with a rongeur or even just your fingers.

Utilizing the patented “beak and bumper” technique, you can simply and predictably extract virtually any tooth in any condition, while preserving the buccal bone and socket.

The beak of the Physics Forceps is designed to apply controlled pressure parallel to the long axis of the root. The bumper acts as a simple fulcrum or pivot point. While traditional instruments grasp, squeeze and twist, the Physics Forceps employs a slow, steady force that releases the tooth from the alveolar bone.

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 40 × 30 × 20 cm

MC Instruments


German Stainless Steel


Extracting Forcep




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